...observations and ramblings from a learner and traveler...

30 July 2008

from "To Diognetus"

I am doing reading for a course on church history that I am supposed to take this fall, and came across this quote from one of the earliest Christian apologists:

"Christians are no different from the rest in their nationality, language or customs. ... They live in their own countries, but as sojourners. They fulfill all their duties as citizens, but they suffer as foreigners. They find their homeland wherever they are, but their homeland is not in any one place. ... They are in the flesh, but do not live according to the flesh. They live on earth, but are citizens of heaven. They obey all laws, but they live at a level higher than that required by law. They love all, but all persecute them."

May we take up the challenge to live the way that this apologist said Christians live, and not in the lesser ways that we can unthinkingly slide into.

15 July 2008

Long Slide falls

Long Slide falls

On Saturday, I went with some friends/family to Long Slide falls; it is a charming little park that is well worth visiting, being quite off the beaten road and quite impressive as little waterfalls go.

Sarah, Miriam, Andrew, and I hiked around and took pictures; we relaxed and talked. And then, we had a picnic supper. All around a very nice expedition.

There were lots of damsel flies fluttering about.

There's Andrew, and Miriam kind of got into the picture.

10 July 2008


Well, I am back at Northland at long last. I arrived in Indiana late Saturday night after several relatively uneventful flights. Then I spent 2 or 3 days with family, before coming back up to WI yesterday. So, I am now again becoming ensconced in a dorm room. :)

04 July 2008


The fateful day is nearly upon me... tomorrow morning, at a relatively reasonable hour (8:55AM), I should be on my way back to the States. I am scheduled to land in Indianapolis around 11pm. Next week, I will plan to head back up north to Dunbar. Till then, I bid thee adieu.

01 July 2008

Called a Pilgrim

Called a Pilgrim

At home,
With friends,
In times of ease,
The thought of life’s realities
With fearful haste escapes and flees.

Without a land –
Recall your home in heaven and
Rewards conferred by Jesus’ hand.