...observations and ramblings from a learner and traveler...

29 April 2007

Have you found favor in the sight of God?

Exodus 33:12-17
12 Moses said to the Lord, “See, you say to me, ‘Bring up this people,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found favor in my sight.’ 13 Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight. Consider too that this nation is your people.” 14 And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” 15 And he said to him, “If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here. 16 For how shall it be known that I have found favor in your sight, I and your people? Is it not in your going with us, so that we are distinct, I and your people, from every other people on the face of the earth?" 17 And the Lord said to Moses, “This very thing that you have spoken I will do, for you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name.”

Friends, I am blogging this because it is something that I have been thinking on for a while. For those who read this blog, some are already leaders among the people of God, and some are training to become leaders. So, I ask you this question:
If the man of God is not known to have found favor in God's sight, how can he lead the people of God?

note: The distinctive of the people of God is the presence of God. (Ex. 33:16-17)

This is further seen in Josh. 1:17 where certain of the people promise to follow Joshua as they followed Moses, "Only may the LORD your God be with you, as he was with Moses!"

What the people of God seek is the man of God who has the favor of God to lead them! Am I that sort of man?

09 April 2007

The Righteous will live by Faith

Do we live by this kind of faith? the kind of faith that says if there is no food in the cupboard, the refrigerator, or the pantry, and there is no money, I will JOY in the God who saved me.

Hab. 3:17-19a
17 Though the fig tree should not blossom,
nor fruit be on the vines,
the produce of the olive fail
and the fields yield no food,
the flock be cut off from the fold
and there be no herd in the stalls,
18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord;
I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
19 God, the Lord, is my strength;
he makes my feet like the deer's;
he makes me tread on my high places.

04 April 2007

What does Providence mean?

Here's a quote I just read in Walvoord's The Holy Spirit:
"While in the providence of God, Satan is allowed freedom and great power in this age, his end is sure, and those who reject Christ will share his destiny."
Is this the way I think of God's providence, a Sovereign Lord's guidance of the universe that perfectly knows EVERY detail of life and guides impeccably through it all.