...observations and ramblings from a learner and traveler...

30 March 2007

The Work of the Holy Spirit in our lives

So, what would stop me from reading my textbook by Walvoord on the Holy Spirit? Other than the obvious answer (a lot of things), the correct answer is "a quote from Abraham Kuyper's The Work of the Holy Spirit." The portion that Walvoord quoted struck me hard enough that I went and found the book in the library to read more. Kuyper's first chapter has the following quote as its second paragraph. (Just from the sampling I just got of the book, I recommend it.)

"The need of divine guidance is never more deeply felt than when one undertakes to give instruction in the work of the Holy Spirit—so unspeakably tender is the subject, touching the inmost secrets of God and the soul’s deepest mysteries.
We shield instinctively the intimacies of kindred and friends from intrusive observation, and nothing hurts the sensitive heart more than the rude exposure of that which should not be unveiled, being beautiful only in the retirement of the home circle. Greater delicacy befits our approach to the holy mystery of our soul’s intimacy with the living God. Indeed, we can scarcely find words to express it, for it touches a domain far below the social life where language is formed and usage determines the meaning of words." 
(Kuyper,  3)

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