...observations and ramblings from a learner and traveler...

23 August 2008

Ruminations on glory

In 2 Chronicles 13, the Bible records that King Abijah of Judah, though he did not follow God wholly, was given a tremendous victory, because God was glorified in that victory. This is the purpose of man and the creation, to glorify God. Yet we say that God is glorified both in the salvation of His children and the damnation of the unrighteous. How do these fit together? At times, theologians speak of the attributes of God as His "perfections." When the perfections of God are most fully displayed in their true glorious character, then God is glorified. It is certain that the perfections of God are seen clearly in both salvation and damnation, though we may not see it in the latter case as easily as the former.
What does this mean today, here on earth? The creation declares God's eternal power, His deity, His glory, His righteousness. But we were made image-bearers, those made in the likeness of God, by God's own hand with His life breathed into us. We are called to live out those of God's perfections with which He has graced us. Think on it - made in Almighty God's image to disply who He is! Is it any wonder that it is only when we abide in Christ Jesus, the God-man, that we can bear fruit and glorify God? Only in that way we can display some measure of His perfections and show that we are truly His followers.

*1 Kings 15; Psalms 19:1; 50:6; Romans 1:19-20; John 15:8

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