...observations and ramblings from a learner and traveler...

22 September 2008

I am about to head into back to back weeks of block class. That means that over the next two weeks, I should spend approximately 60 hours in one particular room... this is an attractive option if you want to learn a lot and if you have a constitution like a mud puddle. However, if you occasionally look out side and notice that it is a glorious fall day and that even as you sit in your seat the leaves are becoming brilliant shades of red and orange and yellow, then you might occasionally feel bereft of benefit while attending these classes dutifully. Nevertheless, I fully expect to both learn and enjoy my classes on NT Introduction and also Romans, particularly since I know I like both teachers.
Not much seems to be new in my life other than that, so I shall abandon you here again...

1 comment:

  1. That is so pathetic! You know what a privilege it is to sit under the men of God that you are sitting under. :( Shame upon thee!
    Not like you enjoy roaming around outside anyways. :P
