...observations and ramblings from a learner and traveler...

01 October 2009


Sunday night an excerpt from C. S. Lewis' Mere Christianity was read in our community group.  Below is part of it.  It is surprising how much difference it makes to look at someone and think "There is an immortal who will be forever somewhere" as opposed to seeing "just" another person of some sort or other.  I can already the difference it would make in my life if I would keep eternity and immortality always in view.  To paraphrase... what is life?  It is just a mist which appears for a bit and then disappears.

"...Christianity asserts that every individual human being is going to live for ever, and this must be either true or false. Now there are a good many things which would not be worth bothering about if I were going to live only seventy years, but which I had better bother about very seriously if I am going to live for ever."

"And immortality makes this other difference... If individuals live only seventy years, then a state, or a nation, or a civilisation, which may last for a thousand years, is more important than an individual. But if Christianity is true, then the individual is not only more important but incomporably more important, for he is everlasting and the life of a state, or a civilisation, compared with his, is only a moment."

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