...observations and ramblings from a learner and traveler...

26 September 2012

He cares for YOU!

  I Peter 5 begins by speaking to pastors, among the other instructions which follow that first paragraph comes the instruction to cast our cares or anxieties on the Lord.  Reading that recently, I began to think how God might take care of those burdens.  But the passage has a different point, His care is not for our cares; it is for us!  His concern is for His sons and daughters, not their problems.  Their problems are simple for Him; they, however, are incredibly important.  It was with those thoughts, that I gave a second stanza to a poetic verse I wrote several years ago.

My Lord Cares

“He careth for thee,” and not just for thee,
But for all of the “thee’s” on this earth.
He bled and He died; He lives, glorified,
Declaring “thee” consummate worth.

“He careth for thee”: ‘twas not for thy cares,
That the Savior came down to this earth.
He bled and He died; He lives, glorified,
Declaring “thee” consummate worth.

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