...observations and ramblings from a learner and traveler...

16 September 2009

The Heavens Declare His Righteousness

     To speak of the heavens proclaiming the righteousness of God is at first a somewhat difficult thing. That the heavens should declare the glory of God (Ps. 19:1-6) is not hard to see; the wonder of all creation fairly booms out that there is a God who created all things, both seen and unseen. Yet, it is not immediately apparent what it means that these same heavens announce the righteousness of God. Thus, I have been pondering and studying on Psalm 50:6 and 97:6.

     Both passages speak of God as Sovereign-Judge coming to separate between the righteous and the wicked. Both passages see the heavens themselves declaring that God is righteous and He has the right to judge. Some would see the “heavens” in Psalm 50 as God’s angels and perfected saints (Treasury of David). Yet this does not seem best in this context. Nor would such an interpretation fit the context of Psalm 97. The natural heavens seem the most likely reference as Spurgeon agrees, saying, “The heavens declare his righteousness. It is as conspicuous as if written across the skies, both the celestial and the terrestrial globes shine in its light.” Thus, let us consider that just as the heavens declare God’s glory in Psalm 19, those same heavens now declare the righteousness of God. How is it that they can convey God’s moral attributes? Let me suggest several passages that may speak to this and which seem to lend answers to the questions.

     The Moral Character of Nature
Genesis 1 – In the beginning, God made all things, and He made them good. This is a moral statement of the condition of nature. And as God at the beginning declared them to be good, so man to this day can see His goodness, though it is marred by the sin of man.

Romans 8:19-23 – And does not this very groaning of the marred creation show us that it has a moral nature which speaks of the righteousness of its Creator?

      The Ability to know that Moral Character
Romans 1:18-21 – God’s eternal power and divine nature are clearly perceived from the world around us, leaving men without any excuse. This is certainly a moral indictment against those who would claim ignorance. God has shown us His goodness

Acts 14:15-17 – The living Creator-God left a witness to Himself on earth by doing good and sending rain and seasons that produce fruit, thus satisfying man with both food and gladness. (cf Mt 5:45)

Proverbs 6:6-8 – Man can learn wisdom from the ant, particularly regarding diligence and timeliness in work. There is goodness to behold and glean from the work of the ant!

Matthew 6:25-30 – Man can learn from the birds of the air and the plants of the field of the gracious provision of God. He provides food and dressing for these creatures of His which are of little account. Yet, we do not take time to consider the lessons here, though Jesus said, “look” and “consider.” We ought to give time to these ponderings of our Father’s ways in nature. Will our heavenly Father not provide even more sufficiently for His own than He does for the grass which will wither shortly?

*Other passages to consider – Psalms 8; 89:5; Job 38:41; Proverbs 30:24-31; Jeremiah 30:23; 42:15-17, 22; Ezeziel 13:10-16; Matthew 5:44-46; Luke 6:35-36; Revelation 16

“Give ear and hear,” the voice so clear.
All nature cries
Of our God's might.

“Consider, see,” He says to thee.
Creation shares
Of our God's care.
 - MCC

The Heavens Declare His Righteousness - Initial Thoughts
The Heavens Declare His Righteousness - Final Thoughts

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